Burns, Shane D., Latrica E. Best, and Solomon Amoatey. (2024). Exploring the intersectionality of place and gender among older adults in Ghana: An examination of women’s disability disadvantage. Innovation in Aging, 8(4). doi:

McCutcheon, Priscilla, Latrica E. Best, & Theresa Rajack-Talley. (Eds.) (2023). Beyond the kitchen table: Black women and global food systems. University of North Carolina Press.

Best, Latrica E. (2023). Black women, food, and health: Exploring the importance of intersectionality in population-based health studies. In P. McCutcheon, L. E. Best, & T. Rajack-Talley (Eds.), Beyond the kitchen table: Black women and global food systems (pp.158-172). University of North Carolina Press.

Best, Latrica E. (2017). The impact of personality change on health among older Americans: Findings from the Health and Retirement study. In M. Nazrul Hoque, Beverly Pecotte, & Mary McGehee (Eds.), Applied Demography and Public Health in the 21st Century. pp. 51-68. Springer.

Byrd, W. Carson and Latrica E. Best. (2016). Between (racial) groups and a hard place:  An exploration of social science approaches to race and genetics, 2000-2014. Biodemography and Social Biology, 62, 281-299.

Della, Lindsay, Margaret D’Silva, Latrica E. Best, Siobhan Smith, Quaniqua Carthan, and Theresa Rajack-Talley-Talley. (2016). Modeling message preferences: An adaptive conjoint analysis of persuasive messaging to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 9, 164-177.

D’Silva, Margaret, Siobhan Smith, Lindsay Della, Deborah Potter, Theresa Rajack-Talley-Talley, and Latrica E. Best. (2016). Reflexivity and positionally in researching African-American communities: Lessons from the field. Intercultural Communication Studies, 1, 94-109.

Rajack-Talley, Theresa, Siobhan Smith, Latrica E. Best, Lindsay Della, and Deborah Potter. (2016). Epistemological inclusiveness in researching the African-American community. International Journal of Social Science Methodology.

Potter, Deborah, Lisa Markowitz, Theresa Rajack-Talley, Siobhan Smith, Margaret D’Silva, Lindsay Della, Latrica E. Best, and Quaniqua Carthan. (2015). Lay knowledge about eating practices in two African-American communities. Qualitative Health Research, 1-14. 

Best, Latrica E. and W. Carson Byrd.  (2015)All marked-up in the genetic era: Race and ethnicity as ‘floating signifiers’ in genetic and genomic research.  In Brea L. Perry (Ed.), Advances in Medical Sociology: Genetics and Society (pp. 45-69). Emerald Group Publishers.

Rajack-Talley, Theresa and Latrica E. Best. (2015). The feminization of poverty and the Black family: Ideological and methodological contestations. In James  Conyers, Jr. (Ed.) Africana Studies:  A Review of Social Science Research, 6th Edition,  (pp. 87-102). Transaction Publishers

 Vasunilashorn, Sarinnapha, Latrica E. Best, Jung Ki Kim, and Eileen M. Crimmins.   (2014).  Predicting mortality from profiles of biological risk and performance measures of functioning.” In J. Anson & M. Luy (Eds.), Mortality in an International Perspective (European Studies of Population), pp. 119-135. Springer.

Best, Latrica E. and W. Carson Byrd. (2014).  Methods beyond methods:  A model for Africana graduate methods training.  Journal of Pan-African Studies, 7, 61-73.

Best, Latrica E. and John Chenault (2014).  Rethinking bioethics:  The implication of biological markers in health research in the African diaspora. Journal of Pan-African Studies, 7, 74-98.

Della, Lindsay, Siobhan Smith, Latrica E. Best, and Margaret D’Silva. (2014)What’s hoppin’ in hoptown?  Examining fruit and vegetable consumption among Hopkinsville’s African-American community.  Kentucky Journal of Communication, 33, 5-24. 

Wray, Linda, Duane Alwin, Ryan McCammon, Tim Manning, and Latrica E. Best. (2006).  Social status, risky health behaviors, and diabetes in middle-aged and older adults.  Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 61B, S290-S298.

 Best, Latrica E., Mark D. Hayward, and Mira M. Hidajat. (2005). Life course pathways to adult-onset diabetes. Biodemography and Social Biology, 52, 94-111.